Welcome to Ben Eden the Healing Medium

We are devoted to helping you connect to the spirit world on demand. Whether you are seeking to connect to a loved one in the spirit realm through a Reading or looking to activate your spiritual abilities and become a confident Medium. We are here to support you throughout your journey.

Bens Story

Learn how Ben became the confident Medium he is.

How it started:

My path was filled with obstacles. My life was marred by domestic violence, trauma, and a constant struggle with self-worth. Emotional abuse and a sense of hopelessness were my daily reality, leading me to seek solace in alcohol, drugs, and even thoughts of suicide.


Amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged when I finally made the decision to leave the abusive relationship. Healing and recovery from the torment of four years was a challenging road, but it ultimately led me to something extraordinary. Through various healing modalities and meditation, I discovered a newfound connection with the spirit world that transformed my life.

The Journey:

Immersing in self-discovery, I was introduced to energy healing which allowed me to break free from medication and embrace a newfound sense of freedom. As I delved deeper into healing, I realised the profound impact it had on improving my overall quality of life.


Driven by the desire to explore mediumship, I sought guidance from a Medium who confirmed that spirit was indeed calling out to me. Despite initial doubts, I was inspired to pursue mediumship as a means to help others who had faced similar traumas.


Taking a leap of faith, I began my journey to becoming a Medium despite financial challenges. Trusting in the universe to provide, I found the necessary support just when I needed it most.


Though the path was fraught with fear and self-doubt, I forged ahead, developing innovative techniques that transformed my mediumship from ordinary to exceptional. With newfound confidence, clients began seeking me out, and my transformation extended beyond mediumship to all aspects of my life.


How the Academy began:

Unexpectedly, I found myself in a position to mentor, using my journey of healing and growth to empower them to unlock their potential. My role evolved from being a medium to becoming an international mentor and coach, guiding others on their path to becoming highly accurate evidential mediums.


Reflecting on my journey, I see that my experiences in mediumship were not just about connecting with the spirit world. It was a journey of personal growth, healing, and transformation that ultimately led me to help others on their path to healing and empowerment.


Contact Us


+61 483 907 055

9 Nord Lane, Nirimba QLD 4551